Transcriber's Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
The long horseback ride of the morning had whetted their appetites.—Page 125.
“Dave Porter’s Great Search” is a completestory in itself, but forms the thirteenth volumein a line issued under the general title of“Dave Porter Series.”
As my old readers know, this series was begunsome years ago by the publication of “DavePorter at Oak Hall,” in which my readers wereintroduced to a wideawake, American boy at anup-to-date American boarding-school. This wasfollowed by “Dave Porter in the South Seas,”where our hero had gone to find his father, andthen by “Dave Porter’s Return to School.”After that we had “Dave Porter in the FarNorth,” where the lad went on a second journeylooking for his parent; “Dave Porter and HisClassmates,” in which our hero was put to a mostunusual test; and then by “Dave Porter at StarRanch,” in which he took part in many strenuousadventures.
From the Wild West Dave returned again toschool, as related in “Dave Porter and HisRivals.” Then he took a sea voyage, as told ofin “Dave Porter on Cave Island,” and later stilltaught some of his school chums a much-neededlesson, the particulars of which are given in “DavePorter and the Runaways.”
The lad had imagined his strenuous adventureswere now at an end, but this was not to be. Heheard of a lost mine, and, with his chums, wentin search of it, as related in “Dave Porter in theGold Fields.” Coming back, he put in some finetimes in the Adirondack Mountains, as related in“Dave Porter at Bear Camp.”
By this time the lad had graduated from school,and he now took up the study of civil engineering.There was another lad who looked exactly likeDave, and this person caused our hero muchtrouble, as told of in “Dave Porter and HisDouble,” where we last met him.
In the present volume Dave is still pursuing hiscalling of civil engineering. He i