The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
The Brighton Road: Old Times and Newon a Classic Highway.
The Portsmouth Road, and its Tributaries:To-day and in Days of Old.
The Dover Road: Annals of an AncientTurnpike.
The Bath Road: History, Fashion, andFrivolity on an Old Highway.
The Exeter Road: The Story of the Westof England Highway.
The Great North Road: The Old MailRoad to Scotland. Two Vols.
The Norwich Road: An East AnglianHighway.
The Holyhead Road: The Mail CoachRoad to Dublin. Two Vols.
The Cambridge, Ely, and King’s LynnRoad: The Great Fenland Highway.
Cycle Rides Round London.
Stage-Coach and Mail in Days of Yore:A Picturesque History of the CoachingAge. Two Vols.
The Ingoldsby Country: Literary Landmarksof the Ingoldsby Legends.
The Oxford, Gloucester, and MilfordHaven Road.[In the Press.
From a print after J. Pollard.
Author of “The Brighton Road,” “The Portsmouth Road,”“The Dover Road,” “The Bath Road,” “The Exeter Road,”“The Great North Road,” “The Norwich Road,” “TheHolyhead Road,” “The Cambridge, Ely, and King’s LynnRoad,” “Stage-Coach and Mail in Days of Yore,” and “TheIngoldsby Country.”
Illustrated by the Author, and fromOld-Time Prints and Pictures