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THE Author of the following Letters having beenflattered into a Belief, that they may probably prove ofsome Use, or at least Amusement to the World, he hasventured to give them, at the Request of his Friends,to the Publick. His chief Design will be found an Attempttowards solving the Phænomena of the Via Lactea,and in consequence of that Solution, the framing of aregular and rational Theory of the known Universe, before unattemptedby any. But he is very sensible how difficult a Task it is to advance anynew Doctrine with Success, those who have hitherto attempted to propagateastronomical Discoveries in all Ages, have been but ill rewarded for their Labours,tho' finally they have proved of the greatest Benefit and Advantageto Mankind. This ungrateful Lesson we learn from the Fate of those ingeniousMen, who, in ignorant Times, have unjustly suffered for their superiorKnowledge and Discoveries; they who first conceived the Earth a Ball,were treated only with Contempt for their idle and ridiculous Supposition,as it was called; and he who first attempted to explain the Antipodes, lost hisLife by it; but in this Age Philosophers have nothing to fear of this sort,the great Disadvantages attending Authors now, are of a widely different- iv BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!
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