The original print of this book uses Helmholtz pitch notation,where middle-C is represented by a lowercase c with one over-line,the C above with two over-lines, etc. For accessibility, I haveused the alternative convention of using numbers after the notename, thus:
C1 … C … c d e f g a b c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 a1 b1 c2 … c3 … c4
(C1 = 3 octaves below middle-C, c4 = 3 octaves above middle-C)
A few corrections have been made to spelling and punctuation.
A list of these amendments can be found at the end of the text.
More detailed versions of the illustrations of the larynx inChapter II are available by following thelink on each image.
The cover design accompanying thiseBook was created by the transcriber, who waives all copyright tothe work.
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by
In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.
Lippincott’s Press,
Translator’s Preface | 7 | |
Introduction | 11 | |
I | Vocal Music | 15 |
II | Physiological | 36 |
III | Physical | 85 |
IV | Æsthetic | 143 |
Appendix | 185 |
The translator of this book, desirous, in commonwith other friends of its author, that herclaims as a lady of rare scientific attainmentsshould be recognized in this country, where shehas recently taken up her abode, has obtained herconsent to the publication of the following testimonialsto her position in her own country fromgentlemen of the highest eminence in science: