Transcriber’s Note:
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The Second Edition of this work being now outof print for some years it has been suggested to methat I should re-write the Manual and bring it upto date. It does not purport to be a highly technicalwork, but will, I trust, indicate to those requiringfuller information where to look for it. Two Chaptershave been added on Road Making and BuildingConstruction which, it is hoped, will make the bookmore useful to those for whom it is written. Thearrangement of the Chapters has also been altered.
My acknowledgments are again due to manyfriends who have helped me in revising the SecondEdition of this Manual.
Ranchi, 17th June 1914. | G. W. D. |
A concise handbook dealing with the mostimportant points of the sanitation of Indian Bazaarsis much needed; this is an endeavour to supply thewant and put the information available on the subjectin a convenient form, so as to facilitate the organization,and control the working of the sanitary departmentof a municipality. It is not within thescope of this work to allude to large waterworks ordrainage schemes, but merely to show how existingarrangements can be improved.
The real secret of sanitation is the prompt removalof fæcal matter and refuse from the neighbourhoodof inhabited buildings before it has timeto decay, as in the early stages of putrefactionemanations are evolved which are highly dangerousto health; it is also an admitted fact that the commonfly is a considerable factor in disseminatingdisease, as it conveys germs on the pads of its feetfrom infected matter to the food-supply of theinhabitants.
My thanks are due to many who have been goodenough to assist me in this work, a