Copyright 1934
Form 516
Velvet-soft and velvet-fine—every cake
What makes a perfect cake?Even rising? Tender browncrust? Delicate flavor and fragrance?All these qualities andone more—the fine, moist, tendertexture that is hard to describe byany word except “velvety”!
“Velvety crumb”—that is the expressioncake judges use in speakingof the beautiful texture ofcakes leavened by Calumet, theDouble-Acting Baking Powder.
See it in this close-up picture ofa slice of Calumet cake! Thenmake any cake in this book—cuta slice and feel a crumb betweenthumb and finger. Soft as velvet!Touch the cut surface. So moistand springy! Now taste a morselof the cake. Velvet-fine—velvet-smooth!
Every Calumet cake, plain cakeor party cake, dark or light orgolden-yellow, has this same lovelytexture—thanks to Calumet’s dependableDouble-Action. Use therecipes in this book, followingCalumet’s thrifty proportion withcare, and all your cakes will beperfect—the envy and admirationof your friends!
Light, tender, golden brown—everybiscuit
What makes a perfect biscuit?A little flaky, crusty morsel—andpass the plate often—that’sthe South’s perfect biscuit, whilea Yankee biscuit is fluffy and highas your Grandmother’s comforter.Westerners like sugar and spice....New Yorkers have a fondness forthe old-world flavor of cheese.
But thick or thin, sweet or tangy,the best biscuits the country overare light and tender biscuits—perfectlyleavened biscuits.
Calumet, the modern Double-ActingBaking Powder, will showyou the way to biscuits light asair, delicately brown and tender.And on pages 19 to 20 are testedCalumet recipes, based on Calumet’smarvelously economical proportion,for any type of biscuit youprefer to make and serve.
There is an extra touch of perfectionin every quick bread madewith Calumet. Muffins are tender,evenly risen, free from humps andfrom tunnels. Waffles, griddlecakes, cookies, gingerbread, all owea new quality and sureness to Calumet’sDouble-Action. Read onand see just how it works!
Just enough leavening inthe mixing bowl
See Calumet’s First Action. It begins inthe mixing bowl when you add liquid(milk, water, or eggs) to the dry ingredients.The instant liquid is added, thingsbegin to happen. Thousands of tiny gasbubbles surge through the batter, makingit light and spongy and ready for bakin