Transcriber's Note
Throughout the Dictionary two different forms of the letters E and O are used, to represent the different sounds they can have in Italian. The close E is displayed in its normal form (E — e), the open E with a special character the author had made for this very purpose: it has here been rendered with Ẻ — ẻ. The close O has an oval shape, and is shown in italics, while the open O has its normal appearance.
A brief table of contents, not present in the original text, has been added for the reader's convenience.
Qveen Anna's
of the Italian and English
Collected, and newly much augmented by
Iohn Florio,
Reader of the Italian vnto the Soueraigne
Maiestie of ANNA,
Crowned Queene of England, Scotland, France
and Ireland, &c.
And one of the Gentlemen of hir Royall Priuie
Whereunto are added certaine necessarie
rules and short obseruations for the
Italian tongue.
Printed by Melch. Bradwood, for
Edw. Blount and William Barret.
Anno 1611.
Giovanni Florio, súo seruitóre bráma, &
augúra il cólmo & godimento d'ógni vera &
compíta felicità.
In sù l'altáre della túa Eccélsa & MAESTA, (alquále ógni nóstro ginócchio douerebbeinchinársi) che le túe innáte& Reáli virtù (GloriosíssimaREGINA) s'hánno eréttonél sácro Témpio d'Honóre (cheógni cuóre conuerebbe adoráresénza idolatría) Io con ógni humiltà & riuerenza dedico& consácro quésto húmile vóto, & cón le ginócchiadélla ménte inchíne ALLA TVAGRANDEZZA DALL'ECCELSO,báscio le Realíssime mani, volendo víuere & moríre
Di túa Gloriosíssima & Sublime Maestà & inuiolabile
súddito & seruitóre
Giovanni Florio.