Principal of
McKinley School
In appreciation of a pleasant association
and many kindnesses.
The play idea will always appeal to the minds of children. History,so often thought to be a dry subject, is made a live wide awake gamewhen the pupils live the parts. The great men and women of historyare made real to them.
This method has been worked out by the pupils in the fifth grade inthe McKinley School in San Francisco and found to be mostsuccessful.
The chief characters in Mace's Beginners History, the CaliforniaState Text, have been dramatized. The children read the story andstudy by outline. Then with the help of the teacher the importantevents are made into a play.
Much outside reading is encouraged. This awakens an interest in goodreading and an ability to do independent studying.
The lives of great men and women represent great things. Studyingabout these people is an inspiration to the children for the biggerand nobler things of life.
"Lives of great men, all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing leave behind us—
Footprints on the sands of time."
Mary Ella Lyng