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Nora Waln
Copyright, 1921, by
National Board of Young Womens Christian Associations
of the United States of America
To Grace Coppock, who first encouraged me to gointo the Far East, I owe deep gratitude.
From the women of China I have learned thatWorld Fellowship is not alone an intellectual conceptbut a natural law in accordance with whichthe hearts of all women throb to the same rhythmicbeat of the Universe.
To the women of America I dedicate this storyof the life of my Chinese friend and teacher: it isas accurate as she with her small store of Englishwords, and I with my limited knowledge of herlanguage could make it.
I Wherein Yen Kuei Ping turns off from the BigHorse Street to make purchases on the Street ofPrecious Pearls 7 II Wherein there is a wedding and Kuei Ping becomesa member of the family of Chia 19 III Wherein there is a departure from family customand Kuei Ping goes with her husband tolive in Peking 31 IV Wherein a son is born and there is great rejoicing 41 V Wherein shadows throw their length across thetidy courtyard 49 VI Wherein there is deepening sorrow 55 VII< ...BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!
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