Transcriber’s Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
WHY they need no breaking in, but feel easy at once.
WHY they are liked by Ladies of full figure.
WHY they do not break down over the hips, and
WHY the celebrated French curved band prevents anywrinkling or stretching at the sides.
WHY dressmakers delight in fitting dresses over them.
WHY merchants say they give better satisfaction than any others.
WHY they take pains to recommend them.
Their popularity has induced many imitations, which are frauds, high atany price. Buy only the genuine, stamped Madame Mora’s. Sold by allleading Dealers with this
Since my experiences in Blackwell’s Island InsaneAsylum were published in the World I have receivedhundreds of letters in regard to it. The edition containingmy story long since ran out, and I have been prevailedupon to allow it to be published in book-form, tosatisfy the hundreds who are yet asking for copies.
I am happy to be able to state as a result of my visitto the asylum and the exposures consequent thereon, thatthe City of New York has appropriated $1,000,000 moreper annum than ever before for the care of the insane.So I have at least the satisfaction of knowing that thepoor unfortunates will be the better cared for because ofmy work.