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Thanksgiving, Easter-Day, March 25, 1883,
Service at Woodbury, March 27, 1883
Bishop Williams's Address,
Dr. Beardsley's Address,
Diocesan Convention, 1883,
Bishop Williams's Sermon,
Diocesan Convention, 1884,
Bishop Williams's Sermon,
Service at Hartford, November 14, 1884,
Dr. Tatlock's Address,
The Bishop's Reply,
Dr. Beardsley's Address,
Mr. Nichols's Address,
Mr. Hart's Address,
Bishop Williams's Address,
Exhibition of Seabury Relics,
Diocesan Convention, 1885,
Bishop Williams's Sermon,
Service at Middletown, August 3, 1885,
Bishop Williams's Address,
Dr. Beardsley's Historical Sketch,
Bishop Williams's Sermon,
Presentation of Paten and Chalice,
Presentation of Address and Reply,
Presentation of Pastoral Staff,
Dr. Beardsley's Address,
Address from St. Andrew's Church,
In his address to the Diocesan Convention of 1881, Bishop Williamssuggested the appointment of a committee to provide for theappropriate commemoration of the centenary of the election of thefirst Bishop of Connecticut in the last week of March, 1783. Onmotion of the Rev. Dr. Beardsley, this suggestion was referred toa committee of three clergymen and two laymen, with the Bishop aschairman. The Bishop appointed on the committee the Rev. Dr.Beardsley, the Rev. Samuel F. Jarvis, the Rev. Samuel Hart, theHon. F. J. Kingsbury, and the Hon, H. B. Harrison.
At the Convention of 1882, on recommendation of this committee,the following resolutions were adopted:
Resolved, That the Bishop be requested to set forth aspecial thanksgiving to be used throughout the Diocese on the one-hundredth anniversary of the election of Bishop Seabury, March25th, 1883, being Easter-Day and also the Festival of theAnnunciation. Resolved, That a memorial service, withaddresses, be held in St. Paul's Church, Woodbury, on Tuesday inEaster-week, March 27th, 1883, for which the Bishop be desired tomake the necessary arrangements.
Resolved, That the Bishop be further requested to providefor a commemorative service with an historical discourse at theopening of the Annual Convention of