The old woman stole out to the tree, crept underthe bed, and there hid herself
Copyright, 1906,by
Printed in the United States of America
All rights reserved. No part of this book may bereproduced in any form without the permission of CharlesScribner’s Sons
The stories which the Russian grandmother told will befound, with many others, in a German collection of “Tales andLegends of South Slavonia,” put forth in Vienna some twenty yearsago by Dr. Friedrich Kraus, an ardent student of folk-lore. I havesketched in a slight background of peasant village life as it stillexists in some parts of Southern Russia, because this is the propersetting of these stories; and I have been careful to clothe them asnearly as I might in the simple language in which they are told to-dayby many a village fireside in South Slavonia.
I frankly confess to having received from Mr. Joel Chandler Harristhe suggestion which I have thus carried out. It was an [viii]unerring