‘A true delineation, even of the smallest man, andhis scene of pilgrimage through life, is capable ofinteresting the greatest man; for all men are to anunspeakable degree brothers, each man’s life a strangeemblem of every man’s, and human portraits faithfullydrawn are, of all pictures, the welcomest onhuman walls.’ Carlyle.
IN completing the last contribution Ishall make to the BiographicalCatalogues of the Portrait Galleriesof four English noblemen, Imust make a few personal remarks. I began thepleasant task, which I undertook at the requestof my dear cousin, Lord Sandwich, now manyyears ago, before my defective sight renderedthe work difficult. The respective collectionsof Lords Bath and Cowper at Longleat andPanshanger next occupied my attention, butxthe increasing malady in my eyesight renderedevery fresh step more arduous. In this last work,to other stumbling-blocks has been added thepressure of ill-health and deep sorrow; againstthese obstacles I have fought as stoutly as Icould, cheered on by the hope of giving satisfacti