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The object of this book is to furnish practical directionsfor the preparation and presentation of oral and written arguments.Teachers of Argumentation and Debate have cometo realize that interest can best be stimulated and practicalresults best secured by omitting the theoretical forms ofreasoning at first, and leading the student directly to theactual work of building up an argument. The technicalname of a logical process has little to do with its practicalapplication. This fact is well illustrated by the constant useof arguments in our conversation: moreover, the student whoenters upon this work is sufficiently advanced to appreciatethe difference between truth and error. For these reasonsthe book is divided into two parts, the first of which dealswith the Practice of Argumentation and Debate. After thestudent has had some experience in constructing and presentingarguments he is better fitted to make practical applicationof the theoretical principles of argumentation whichare presented in the second part of this book under the headof the Theory of Argumentation and Debate. Those teacherswho prefer to follow the old order of presentation can do soby taking up the Theory of Argumentation and Debate aftercompleting the chapter on Collecting Evidence and beforetaking up the chapter on Constructing the Brief.
Since Argumentation and Debate has come to be a regularcourse of study in almost every college and university andin many of our larger preparatory and high schools, there hasbeen a tendency among text-book writers to multiply rulesregarding every phase of the subject. By consulting variousv BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!
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