Carnation Milk Products Co.
C485—Printed in U.S.A.
“The turnpike road to people’s hearts I find
Lies through their mouths, or I mistake mankind.”
—Dr. Wolcot
This little book is sentto you in the hope thatamong its recipes youwill find many new andtasty dishes. My ownfavorite recipes are containedherein, one hundredof them, and I canpromise that you willfind them all thoroughlypractical.
Mary Blake
Home Economics Department
Carnation Milk Products Company.
Offices at
Oconomowoc, Wis., Aylmer, Ont.,
New York, and Seattle, Wash.
No matter how old a story cooking is to us, no matter how little zest we thinkwe have for it, we need only to have a new recipe, a new ingredient or a newmethod in cookery held tantalizingly before us to discover that our interesthasn’t waned after all. For the quest of the new and better in cookery never losesits allure.
Milk, perhaps more than anything else, seems to hold no novelty for us. Yet werecognize in it our most important food, supplying all the elements needed forhealth and growth. We know that doctors and dietitians insist upon a quart ofmilk a day for each member of the family. And we know that the simplest way toprovide this milk is through its generous use in cooking, thereby supplying it insuch a variety of form that no one tires of it.
It is therefore extremely interesting to discover that milk can contribute to ourcookery a deliciousness of flavor, a smoothness of texture, a richness, a dependabilityof result and an economy of other materials that we have never experiencedif we have confined our use of milk to ordinary bottled milk.
Only a milk of uniformly high quality and richness can produce such cookingresults. To secure this uniformly high quality and richness many thousands ofwomen have turned to a form of milk that adds immeasurably to the success ofcookery—Carnation Evaporated Milk.
Carnation Milk is simply the purest of rich whole milk, from fine herds,evaporated to double richness, “homogenized,” and sterilized for safe keeping. Toinsure the quality and purity of this milk, the Carnation Company maintains at thefamous Carnation Milk Farms two of the largest herds of pure bred Holsteins inthe world—among them the world’s greatest milk and butter producers—andintroduces this high milk producing strain into the many herds of “ContentedCows” from which the milk for the Carnation condenseries is obtained. Carnationfield men constantly supervise these herds to insure the proper care and feeding ofthe cows, and the cleanliness of the surrounding