The Opening Heavens

The Opening Heavens,
Or A Connected View Of The
Testimony of the Prophets and Apostles,
Concerning The
Opening Heavens,
Compared With
Astronomical Observations,
And Of The
Present And Future Location Of The
New Jerusalem, The Paradise Of God.
By Joseph Bates
New Bedford:
Press Of Benjamin Lindsey.


In presenting the following subject to the considerationof whom it may concern, I would here state that the twoleading motives which have actuated and guided me throughthis absorbing subject has been—first, the truth of God toencourage and strengthen the true-believer. Second, tocorrect, or "rebuke" the spiritual views, (may I not sayof almost all Christendom,) in respect to the appearing andkingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Twenty-oneyears observation and experience, but more especiallythe last seven, in pursuit of this object, has taught me thattruth is the only thing that can save the soul. But the greatmass of the professed Christian world seem to pay no moreregard to it than their great Predecessor, who said unto theSaviour "what is truth?" when he had just said to him thathe "came into the world to bear witness unto the truth, andevery one that is of the truth, heareth my voice." Jesus inhis last prayer for his disciples asks the Father to sanctifythem through the truth. "Thy word is truth." St. John.Again, he saith. "The Spirit is truth." The forerunner ofChrist said, "The law was given by Moses, but grace andtruth came by Jesus Christ." Jesus says, "I am not cometo destroy the law or the prophets; but to fulfil, for verilyI say unto you till heaven and earth pass, one jot or onetittle shall in no wise pass from the law until all be fulfilled."Matthew. Then of course man is required to believe "andlive by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth ofGod." Third, thousands who have been looking for thepersonal appearing of the Lord Jesus from heaven in theselast days, have in their disappointment about his coming,given up the only Scriptural view, and are now teachingthat he has come in spirit and this is all we shall ever seeof him here. One single passage from the Saviour's lastwords, when about to leave the world in the flesh, ought tohave rectified any such mistake: "And lo, I am with youalways, even unto the end of the world," meaning of course,his spirit. But I submit the subject.

Fairhaven, May 8, 1846.

Joseph Bates.

[The copy right is secured with Him that sits upon theThrone in the coming Heavenly Sanctuary. The grant touse it is unlimited. Those only are punished that abusethe right.]





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