Other Hymns
of To-Day
New York Chicago
Fleming H. Revell Company
London and Edinburgh
Copyright, 1922, by
Printed in United States of America
New York: 158 Fifth Avenue
Chicago: 17 North Wabash Ave.
London: 21 Paternoster Square
Edinburgh: 75 Princes Street
These verses are simple expressions ofcommon Christian feelings and desiresin this present time,—hymns of todaythat may be sung together by people whoknow the thought of the age, and are notafraid that any truth of science will destroyreligion, or any revolution on earth overthrowthe kingdom of heaven. Therefore these arehymns of trust and joy and hope.
In the writing, each of them has followed afamiliar air, heard in the mind; and the namesof these tunes are given. But if some onewith the gift of melody should compose newand better music for the hymns, the authorwould be glad and grateful. As they stand,they are at the service of all who ask andreceive the permission of the publishers touse them.
Henry Van Dyke.
March 30, 1922
“The sea is his, and he made it.”—Ps. XCV:5.
O Maker of the Mighty Deep
Whereon our vessels fare,
Above our life’s adventure keep
Thy faithful watch and care.
In Thee we trust, whate’er befall;
Thy sea is great, our boats are small.
We know not where the secret tides
Will help us or delay,
Nor where the lurking tempest hides,
Nor where the fogs are gray.
We trust in Thee,