Transcriber's Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
Drawing by E. L. Blumenschein
The writing of history requires three operations:(I) The collection of facts; (II) The classificationand arrangement of facts; (III) Thepresentation and discussion of facts. I havecollected the facts related in this book from every sourceopen to me. These sources may be divided into twogroups: (1) Published and (2) unpublished, matter.The published matter includes (a) official records;(b) books, and (c) magazine or other ephemeral articles.The unpublished matter includes (a) letters and (b)verbal communications.
I have made use of all these sources of information ingathering the facts. A list of some of the printed authoritiesconsulted follows this preface. In additionthereto, I beg to acknowledge written communicationsfrom the following American Army officers, all now onthe retired list except Colonels Godfrey and Brainardand Captain Livermore:—Lieutenant-General Nelson A.Miles; Major-General Robert P. Hughes; Brigadier-GeneralsHenry B. Carrington, George A. Forsyth,Louis H. Carpenter, Anson Mills, Charles A. Woodruffand Theo. F. Rodenbough; Colonel Edward E. S. Godfrey,commanding the Ninth Cavalry; Colonel DavidL. Brainard, Commissary of Subsistence;