Some typographical errors have been corrected;a list follows the text. (etext transcriber's note) |
Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1897 by Street & Smith, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress,Washington, D. C.
Entered as second class Matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office.
Issued weekly.Subscription price, $2.50 per year.July 10, 1897.
No. 28.Street & Smith, Publishers. NEW YORK.29 Rose St., N. Y.5 Cents.
By the Author of “NICK CARTER.”{2}
“And so, you see, I stand to lose twenty thousand dollars.”
“That’s a large sum.”
“Yes, Mr. Carter, it’s a large sum; but a middle-aged gentleman likeyourself ought to be aware that risks are sometimes forced upon peoplewho handle money in large sums.”
The celebrated detective smiled as he looked into the excitedcountenance of the Wall Street man before him.
Half an hour before, if the broker had seen him at all, he would hardlyhave referred to him as “a middle-aged business man.”
The detective had just returned from an expedition to the upper part ofthe city, during which he had appeared as a{3} verdant country boy of aninquiring turn of mind.
“Of course,” the detective said, slowly, “people who handle money forthe profit of others are expected to keep it in motion—honestly inmotion.”
He glanced keenly into his visitor’s face as he emphasized the lastthree words.
“My case is hardly what you suppose it to be,” said Mr. James Wheeler,broker. “The money I handle belongs to two heirs—both minors. Withthat, however, you have nothing to do.”
“You’re mistaken,” said Nick Carter, coldly. “If I am to handle yourcase I must have your fullest confidence.”
“Regarding my present venture, certainly, but I fail to see how pastcomplications can interest you.{4}”
“I have always made it a point,” said the detective, rising to his feet,“not to engage in any case which is not entirely square and above-board.You come here with a statement that you have risked twenty thousanddollars belonging to two innocent children in the next BrooklynHandicap, an illegal proceeding, and if you have done this for your ownpersonal gain you have taken the first step toward a crime, and in thatcase I refuse to have anythi