The following pages were written very recently, under a degree ofpressure from some members of my family; and as I possessed nomemoranda whatever to aid me in such a work, I have had to relyentirely upon memory; therefore errors in details may reasonablyclaim excuse, after the lapse of so long a period of time. Thesepapers are written solely for private distribution amongst relativesand special friends; and, as my family is rather numerous anddispersed, the necessity arises of having them printed.
I obtained a Commission in the Army of His late MajestyKing George III., at a very early age, through the influence ofLord Hutchinson, at that time British Ambassador at the Court ofSt. Petersburg, and joined the 2nd Battalion of the 8th (orKing’s) Regiment of Foot, in the year 1808, at Chester. Beinganxious to be employed on foreign service, I obtained leave in thesame year to join the 1st Battalion of the Regiment at Halifax, inNova Scotia, and towards the close of that year embarked againwith a division of troops under Sir Geo. Prevost, to attack theFrench islands of Martinique, Guadaloup, &c., in the West Indies.The Halifax Division consisted of the 8th, 13th, 7th, and 23rdFusileers, with Artillery and Engineers; and we joined the WestIndian Division under the Commander-in-Chief, Sir Geo. Beckwith,at Barbadoes.
During the voyage from Halifax, the convoy, including a largefleet of transports, encountered a “white squall,” which onlylasted about fifteen minutes. From the fury of the tempest thesea could not rise; it was smooth as a table, but covered with adense white foam. The fleet had been carrying a press of sail,especially the dull sailers; when, like a clap of thunder, it wassuddenly thrown on its beam ends. Sails were torn into ribbonsand small spars and wreck were flying in all directions. Heavyrains then descended, followed by a dead calm, when an enormoussea arose—ships on the crest of the waves, finding others in thegulph below them under no control, and in imminent danger ofcrushing each other. Damages were repaired, and without anyserious losses the fleet proceeded on its voyage.
The united force sailed from Barbadoes