
[Transcriber's Note: Extensive research did not uncover any
evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]


"The May FANTASY FAN was just what its cover implied—peachy. Ithad just the right proportion of interesting items. Schwartz andWeisinger's column was just what was needed—most of their items werenew and original. Just that!"—Lester Anderson

"Lovecraft's article is getting to be interesting enough to readthrough now, although I didn't think that it was very good during thefirst few parts. The article on Wells was particularly good."—DavidStolaroff

"The May issue is, I must say, one of the best yet. 'Weird Whisperings'and 'Science Fiction in English Magazines' did I especially enjoyand am looking forward to the latter's promised column on Africanstf."—Daniel McPhail

"I am glad to note that Lovecraft's monograph is appearing in largerinstalments. I hope that Baldwin will continue his 'Side Glances.' Gladmy article on M. R. James was approved by so many readers. Later on,I hope to do some brief articles on other masters of the macabre andfantastic."—Clark Ashton Smith

"'Phantom Lights' outshines and stifles the reputation of 'Birkett'sTwelfth Corpse.' But 'Dragons' destroys the illusion of 'Shadows.'Orchids to 'The Flower God,' the best Annal to date, and one of thechoice stories that has appeared thus far in THE FANTASY FAN."—RobertNelson

"THE FANTASY FAN came yesterday and I enjoyed every page. The orangestock paper improved the appearance greatly. The new type is excellentalso. The length of 'Our Readers Say' is just right. It should not betoo long."—Duane W. Rimel

"I have just completed a reading of the May issue of THE FANTASY FAN.Lovecraft and Smith still stand out as my favorites. Some of the otherarticles proved quite interesting, particularly 'Weird Whisperings' andthe two poems 'Shadows' and 'Dragons' were very enjoyable. The colored'cover' marks another step forward. Keep up the good work."—H. Koenig

"The April issue of THE FANTASY FAN was fine! 'The Ancient Voice'by Eando Binder was the best story that I have read in a good manymoons! And I don't mean maybe, either! Mr. Binder held me simplyspellbound from start to finish! Let's have many more like this superbtale!"—Fred John Walsen

"The strength and beauty of Robert E. Howard's 'Gods of the North' inyour March issue has influenced me to mark it for frequent re-reading.No other of his stories has appealed to me quite so strongly. Ihope that you can induce him to write more stories in the samevein."—Chester D. Cuthbert

"Just received May FANTASY FAN and was agreeably surprised to see the'cover.' That's one way of getting started on one. 'Weird Whisperings'by those master newshawks was very fine. The high spots in the issuewere Barlow's Annals and 'Prose Pastels' by Smith. I never tire readingeither of these two authors. I enjoy all the poetry you print andbelieve that you ought to have at least two pages of it."—F. LeeBaldwin

"I am enclosing a dollar this time for a full year's subscription. Ifind the little mag most interesting. Another thing I like about thebook is that the Readers' Sayso includes letters from authors—whichproves that they, too, read stories."—Gertrude Hemken

"I liked practically everything in the April issue of THE FANTASY FAN.The letters in the lengthened 'Our Readers Say' were interesting, 'SideGlances' was allright; you know I liked the feature story very much,and I was interested in reading the views presented on the topic Isuggested, and the ads were good. So



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