Sanders' Birleşik Dördüncü Okuyucu
( KDV Dahil )
Orjinal Adı : Sanders' Union Fourth Reader Embracing a Full Exposition of the Principles of Rhetorical Reading; with Numerous Exercises for Practice, Both in Prose and Poetry, Various in Style, and Carefully Adapted to the Purposes of Teaching in Schools of Every Grade
Türkçe Adı : Sanders' Birleşik Dördüncü Okuyucu
Konusu ( İngilizce ) : Readers
Konusu ( Türkçe ) : Okuyucular
Yazarı : Charles W. SandersKitabı Ücretsiz Oku
Orjinal Adı : Sanders' Union Fourth Reader Embracing a Full Exposition of the Principles of Rhetorical Reading; with Numerous Exercises for Practice, Both in Prose and Poetry, Various in Style, and Carefully Adapted to the Purposes of Teaching in Schools of Every Grade
Türkçe Adı : Sanders' Birleşik Dördüncü Okuyucu
Konusu ( İngilizce ) : Readers
Konusu ( Türkçe ) : Okuyucular
Yazarı : Charles W. Sanders
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